Page 55 - 2025 Ausschreibung
P. 55
Jury Entries taxation. Prize money and expenses accom- Organizer
FIS FIS EC-Cordinator/Referee a) For team accommodation (numbers) modation will be paid in Euros by Bank transfer. K.S.C. Hahnenkamm-Rennen
Jordi Pujol by 1st February 2025 at the latest Billing of hotel expenses - at the second Team Organisations GmbH
FIS Assistant Referee b) For team entries (names) Captain’s Meeting on Friday, 7th of March. Hinterstadt 4, 6370 Kitzbühel,
tbc by 1st March 2025 at the latest Insurance AUSTRIA
FIS TD Entries as European Cup-Rule 2.6.1. The associations sending the entries shall be +43 5356 62301
Franz Hofer (SUI) (Online Registration). responsible for the insurance of participants.
OC Chief of Race Race Office
Mario Mittermayer-Weinhandl Warm-Up Courses
EC EQU./Control The Race Office is located in the “Red Bull Race Organizer offers participating teams a Race Office
Mathias Vrezl Zielhaus” Hermann-Reisch-Weg 16, 6370 Kitz- section of the “Walde” public slope to warm Kitzbüheler Ski Club (K.S.C.)
buehel (from 6th March 2025, 16:00 h). Spe- up each morning on Friday and Saturday, Sun- c/o Red Bull Zielhaus
Course Data cific information from the Organizing Commit- day Race Days. No course setting. FIS rules Hermann Reisch Weg 16
„Streifalm” tee and Jury will be announced at the Race must be observed for public skiing. Optional 6370 Kitzbühel, AUSTRIA
Homologation Number: 14580/09/22 Office and during team captains’ meetings. GS course set at the “Ganslern” possible (to be +43-664-1002-764 Raceweek!!!
1.525m START MAUSEFALLE BODEN Contractual basis announced at Team Captains Meeting).
445m Vertical Drop The requirements for the condition and safety Protests Accommodation Office
1.830m Course Length measures of race and training courses shall con- Protests, if any, shall be submitted in accor- Teamaccomodation
(6 % Number Direction Changes - form to the relevant regulations set forth in the dance with the ICR in the “Zielhaus” after the Luggi Woydt
minimum 27 gates). International Competition Rules (ICR) of the Race. +43 664 8829 7228 &
Course Setter SG1 and SG2 International Ski Federation (FIS) in force, the Price Money
from SUI and FRA. relevant regulations and special formula of the
European Cup in force. Directives issued by
General the Jury shall be authoritative. Every participant
The rules of the FIS Continental and Euro- undertakes to bring forward concerns to the HAHNENKAMM SUPER-G KITZBÜHEL SUPER-G
pean Cup, the ICR of the FIS and the instruc- jury. By starting in a race, a competitor gives to 1st Place € 2 000 € 2 000
tions of the Organizer shall apply. Only those understand that he acknowledges the current 2nd Place € 1 500 € 1 500
competitors entered for a race by the relevant course conditions and safety precautions as
national association and holding valid FIS being adequate and sufficient. The organizer 3rd Place € 1 100 € 1 100
licences shall be eligible for participation. The does not take any liability beyond that for 4th Place € 800 € 800
number of participants is limited and depends a specific course condition or specific safety 5th Place € 600 € 600
on the FIS European Cup Rules. Access to clos- measures.
ed-off race courses shall only be permitted Prize money and € 6 000 € 6 000
subject to consent by the Jury. The official
competition areas may only be entered by hol- expenses for accommodation Total Prize Money € 12 000
ders of official accreditations issued by the Prize money and expenses for accommoda- in Euro/including tax
organizer. tion according to European Cup Rules. The pu-
Classification blished prize money is the total amount before
2x Super-G