Page 115 - 2023 Fotobuch.indd
P. 115

SUCCESS, DRIVEN BY VALOUR,                                                 THE SPECTATORS RETURN

                   VERVE AND SOME SERIOUSLY STRONG NERVES!                                    Second in line: the spectators.  Following the pandemic-affected races in 2021 and
                                                                                              2022, the joy of the returning fans is palpable.  Spectator discipline and enthusiasm in
                   THESE WERE THE 83RD HAHNENKAMM RACES 2023                                  January 2023 was great, with the event being a strongly frequented but well-manag-
                                                                                              ed sports festival, just as Kitzbühel Ski Club had hoped for.  The system of only being
                  How else should one describe the indescribable? In any case, last winter’s 83rd Hah-  able to purchase tickets “online” was a new venture - one that started in September.
                  nenkamm Races will go down in history as a rollercoaster of emotions.  Seldom have   Special areas quickly sold out, however the notion of purchasing day tickets did not
                  success and failure been so closely intertwined, when seemingly insurmountable diffi-  seem to be widely acknowledged until winter arrived, when sales took off.  The change
                  culties and joyous occurrences are a constant parallel.                     over to digital access control ultimately caused a minor headache, but restrictions
                                                                                              proved their effectiveness for the first time.  Friday (Double Downhill) was better than
                  CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS                                              average with 20,000 spectators, Saturday achieved close to ideal crowd capacity
                  Let’s begin with the results. The objective of all these endeavours is to honour worthy   with 45,000 visitors, and Sunday had another great result with 20,000 spectators.  Long
                  winners under the best possible conditions – and the list of Hahnenkamm award winners  may this continue!
                  in 2023 is indeed an impressive one.  First of all, many congratulations to all the winners
                  and rank-achieving competitors:                                             CRAZY WEATHER
                                                                                              Most of Europe endured a prolonged spell of heat and drought in summer and autumn,
                  KITZBÜHEL DOWNHILL (Friday, 20/01/2023)                                     from which our region was largely spared.  As early as mid-September, the first snow fell
                  1.  Vincent KRIECHMAYR     AUT  1:56,16                                     on Mount Hahnenkamm, offering a promising sign. Summery conditions, however, re-
                  2.  Florian SCHIEDER       ITA   1:56,39                                    turned in October before winter made another appearance in early November.  Thanks
                  3.  Niels HINTERMANN       SUI  1:56,47                                     to cold temperatures and optimal use of snow cannons by the experts at Bergbahn AG
                  4.  Jared GOLDBERG         USA  1:56,51                                     Cable Car Co., it was possible to supplement nature’s supply with sufficient artificial
                  5.  Adrian Smiseth SEJERSTED  NOR  1:56,55                                  snow by mid-December. By the end of November, however, heavy fresh snowfall
                  5.   Dominik PARIS         ITA   1:56,55                                    made intervention necessary on the Hausberg Traverse section, to prevent avalanches
                                                                                              from occurring. The publicly accessible Streif slope opened on 17th December shortly
                  HAHNENKAMM ABFAHRT (Saturday, 21/01/2023)                                   before Christmas, followed at the same time by a characteristic Christmas thunderstorm,
                  1.  Aleksander Aamodt KILDE  NOR  1:56,90                                   including spring-like temperatures of +18 degrees for the first few days of the New
                  2.  Johan CLAREY           FRA  1:57,57                                     Year! Consequentially, no work on the slopes and stadium could start, while every-
                  3.  Travis GANONG          USA  1:57,85                                     one waited for winter to return. All in all, it took over two weeks before sub-zero
                  4.  Mattia CASSE           ITA   1:57,89                                    temperatures resumed, enabling work on completing the racecourses and spectator
                  5.  Vincent KRIECHMAYR     AUT  1:58,20                                     facilities to continue. Nevertheless, Organisers continued to battle with alternating high
                                                                                              temperatures and persistent rainfall from the top to the bottom of the mountain. For
                  HAHNENKAMM SLALOM (Sunday, 22/01/2023)                                      the first time in its existence, the Parallel Streif spectator slope had to be closed from
                  1.  Daniel YULE            SUI  1:44,63                                     Monday 9th Jan to Thursday 19th Jan, otherwise it would not have been possible to
                  2.  Dave RYDING            GBR  1:45,03                                     make adequate preparations in time for the event.  Nerves were stretched to breaking
                  3.  Lucas BRAATHEN         NOR  1:45,04                                     point.  There was no alternative but to be patient and wait - while intense rainfall (in total
                  4.  Linus STRASSER         GER  1:45,05                                     46.6 l/m2 or 12 rainy days until Race Week) continued unabated. During the week
                  5.  Henrik KRISTOFFERSEN   NOR  1:45,10                                     prior to the 83rd Hahnenkamm Races, the decision was made to cancel the JUNIOR
                                                                                              RACE 2023, due to insufficient slope dimensions and a lack of alternative venues.
                                                                                              Fortunately, it turned out to be the only race cancellation on this winter’s race calendar!


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