Page 7 - 2025 Ausschreibung
P. 7
General Contractual basis Team-Video Organizer
K.S.C. Hahnenkamm-Rennen
The rules of the FIS World Cup, the ICR of the The requirements for the condition and safety The use of team video cameras within the event Organisations GmbH
FIS and the organizer shall apply. Only those measures of race and training courses shall area is only permitted for internal purposes Hinterstadt 4, 6370 Kitzbühel, AUSTRIA
competitors entered for a race by the relevant conform to the relevant regulations set forth in (analyses, etc.). Additional purposes of use +43 5356 62301
national association and holding valid FIS li- the International Competition Rules (ICR) of the and all rights are reserved by the Organizer
cences shall be eligible for participation. The International Ski Federation (FIS) in force, the and the corresponding rights holders.
number of participants is limited and depends relevant regulations and special formula of the
on the FIS World Cup Regulation. Access to Alpine World Cup in force, and the FIS Warm-Up Courses Raceoffice
closed-off race courses shall only be per- Organizer agreement in force between the Super-G/Downhill: Race Or- c/o K3 KitzKongress
mitted subject to consent by the Chief Race K.S.C., ÖSV and FIS. Directives issued by the ganizers offer participating Josef-Herold-Straße 12
Director. The official competition areas may only Jury shall be authoritative. Every participant teams a section of the “Ochsalm” public slope 6370 Kitzbühel, AUSTRIA
be entered by holders of official accreditations undertakes to bring forward concerns to the to warm up each morning from Tuesday to +43 5356 62301 106 (Raceweek)
issued by the organizer. jury. By starting in a race, a competitor gives Saturday during Race Week.
to understand that he acknowledges the cur- A B-fence will be used to separate this area
Classification rent piste conditions and safety precautions as from the public slope. An official will be pres-
being adequate and sufficient. Ticketoffice
1x Super-G, 1x Downhill, 1x Slalom The organizer does not take any liability be- ent as contact person and for coordination pur- c/o K.S.C. Clubvilla
poses. Extension of the usage period only on
yond that for a specific piste condition or speci-
Entries fic safety measures. request. Course setting and operations during Hahnenkammstrasse 4b
6370 Kitzbühel, AUSTRIA
a) For team accommodation (numbers) warm-up periods shall be regulated and ma- +43 5356 62301
naged by the teams themselves.
by 17th December 2024 at the latest Prize money and travel expenses FIS piste rules must be observed.
Prize money and travel expenses according to Slalom: Race Organizers offer participating
b) For team entries (names) World Cup Rules. The published prize money teams the “Zielschuss” section of the “Streif” Accomodation Office
by 14th January 2025 at the latest is the total amount before taxation. Prize money racecourse for the purpose of warming up for c/o K3 KitzKongress
Entries as Worldcup-Rule 3.9 and travel expenses will be paid in Euros by Slalom on race day Sunday morning, subject Josef-Herold-Straße 12
(Online Registration). Bank transfer. Bank data as FIS Data base. to the same conditions of use. 6370 Kitzbühel, AUSTRIA
Race Committee Insurance Protests Luggi Woydt
The Race Office is located in the “K3” Con- The associations sending the entries shall be Protests, if any, shall be submitted in accordance +43 5356 62301 114 (Raceweeg)
ference Center Kitzbühel (from 20th January responsible for the insurance of participants. with the ICR.
2025). Opening hours end contacts see se-
cond to last page. Specific information from
the Organizing Committee and Jury will be an-
nounced at the Race Office and during team
captains’ meetings.