Page 101 - 2022 Fotobuch.indd
P. 101
Wednesday:1st Downhill training in optimum conditions with Marcel Hirscher as fore- Sunday: second Downhill race. From the 829 ticket holders, 620 people are in atten-
runner! Hosting of the Junior Race in two runs and victory for Team „Tyrol“. The jury meet- dance on the grandstand.
ing with race committee and rights partners results in a unanimous decision: due to the This results in a somewhat sobering total audience tally of 2,107 highly motivated and
weather forecast, the race programme will be changed with a Slalom on Saturday and intrepid fans over five days.
a Downhill on Sunday, each with adjusted TV start times.
Thursday: second Downhill training with jury decision. Due to a storm on the mountain A CONCILIATORY END
the start is relocated to Alte Schneise. The race committee plans night work for the next The ensuing days after the races were characterised by fantastic winter weather with
48 hours. sunshine and powder snow. Tear-down work on the piste, in the stadium and in the
Friday: first Downhill race with jury decision. Due to gusty wind in the Mausefalle, the offices went smoothly, with deconstruction work completed a mere ten days after the
start will be moved to the reserve start 1 (European Cup) above the Mausefalle. Start final race. The weekend after the Hahnenkamm Races brought storms and fresh snow
time 11:30 hrs. Great joy and relief at being able to hold the race at all. 3 falls are noted, and February looked like it was going to be a fabulous winter month. The virus was still
although all 3 racers manage to get themselves back down to the valley under their running rampant, but fortunately for the first time with mostly mild health consequences.
own steam. Discussions held about the new Hausberg course setting. Who knows what next year will bring?
Saturday: Slalom: as predicted, a Downhill race would never have been possible, while
the Slalom was the only feasible option in the intense snowfall. Perfect weather forecasts THANKS
by ZAMG confirmed the jury‘s decision as being 100 per cent correct. The Slalom slope Huge thanks are due for the success of this year‘s extraordinary races:
team manage to get the Ganslern course race-ready in the morning and keep it clear of
heavy snowfall throughout the day. Start time 10:15 hrs for the 1st run and 13:30 hrs for THANK YOU to the participating athletes and teams for their extraordinary sporting
the 2nd run. achievements.
Sunday: second Downhill race. The night‘s work to remove record-breaking amounts THANK YOU to the television partners surrounding ORF as well as EBU and IMG for
of fresh snow from the previous day also sets new records. For the first time ever, 9 (!) broadcasting the races all over the world.
machines belonging to the Bergbahn AG Kitzbühel Cable Car Co. are in operation on THANK YOU to all sponsors and the WWP marketing agency for their financial
the Streif racecourse, working in close conjunction with the piste teams, Austrian Armed support of the races.
Forces, slip crews, safety teams and other racecourse service providers. On Sunday THANK YOU to the journalists and all media representatives reporting from the event.
morning at 07:30 hrs, the Streif racecourse is declared “race ready!” By the start time THANK YOU to the ARGE consortium partners of Kitzbühel Municipality, Kitzbühel
of 13:30 hrs, remaining stubborn fog on the slope clears and the race can commence Tourism and Bergbahn AG (Cable Car Co), as well as all Streif and Ganslern
from the original start line. What an incredible Race Week! landowners.
THANK YOU to all the countless members and officials of the Organizing committee,
SPECTATORS be it on the slopes, in the stadium, in the offices or race management.
Wednesday: first Downhill training: after the first sales of grandstand training tickets, un-
fortunately only 171 of the 236 entitled ticketholders come to watch on the grandstand on
this dream day of the Race Week! How disappointing.
Thursday: second Downhill training. As on the previous day, only limited ticket numbers
are allowed for the grandstand. From the 444 eligible ticket holders, 288 spectators
come to watch!
Friday: first Downhill Race. From the 754 eligible ticket holders, 580 spectators are in
Saturday: Slalom Race. From 840 eligible ticket holders, 580 spectators are registered
on the heavily snow-covered grandstand.
11.11.2022 14:35:08
2022 Fotobuch.indd 101 11.11.2022 14:35:08
2022 Fotobuch.indd 101