HKR 2025

HAHNENKAMM EUROPACUP WOMEN - Kitzbühel premiere after 64 years

HAHNENKAMM EUROPACUP WOMEN - Kitzbühel premiere after 64 years

The snow controll a few days ago carried out by Markus Mayr on behalf of the International Ski Federation (FIS) has brought confirmation: The women will be returning to the Streif next Saturday and Sunday, 8th and 9th of March 2025. Two Super-G Races as part of the second-highest competition series in Alpine Skiing – the European Cup - are on the programm, taking place in the middle section of the famous race cource.

We are hoping to welcome the newly crowned Junior World Champions and Medallists from the competitions in Treviso (ITA) currently taking place and one or two world cup racers who will find their way to Kitzbühel. This will be the first time that the women’s competition will be held on the Hahnenkamm again, after a series that started in 1932 and ended in 1961 with a triple victory by the Austrian Traudl Hecher

Preparations are underway carried out by the experienced piste and safety teams under the race management of Mario Mittermayer-Weinhandl, as well as all the key employees of the K.S.C. office, stadium and mountain. The project is fully supported by Bergbahn AG Kitzbühel, who will provide the tried and tested machinery and transport services. On Friday, March 7th, the racers can test the area while free skiing and get to know the terrain, before points and prizes are up for grabs on Saturday and Sunday. Both start at 10:30 am

Spectators on skis can easily reach the starting area „Mausefalle Boden“ and watch the athletes‘ performances from the „Gschößwiese“ along the Parallel Streif, until the Finish Area. The finish is located on Oberhausberg and is not within walking distance from the valley. A video wall at the Oberhausberg finish (!) enables ski guests to follow the competition.

The organiser Kitzbühel Ski Club and its organising committee K.S.C. GmbH have commissioned 17 TV cameras under the proven direction of HKR director Michael Kögler to make the races available live on television (ORF SPORT PLUS broadcasts live at 10:25, summaries in the late afternoon on ORF 1). Other European TV stations have also expressed interest in highlight coverage.

A number of HKR sponsors have also committed themselves to the cause. The partners Mastercard, Red Bull and Gösser are thankfully supporting the competitions financially, thus enabling the event to be organised at ‘Hahnenkamm’ level.

From now on, we will be looking ‘upwards’ into the sky to see what weather conditions the athletes will face during the race week. The final entries will be announced on March 1st. A ‘warm welcome’ to all European Cup teams and a sporting and worthy race week from OC boss Michael Huber and managing director Jan Überall together with the entire HKR team.

TV ÜBERTRAGUNG (8./9.3.2025):


LIVE auf ORF SPORT PLUS: Liveübertragung (Rennstart jeweils 10:25)
HIGHLIGHTS ZUSAMMENFASSUNG auf ORF 1: 18:35 (Sa 8.3.) bzw. 16:05 (So 9.3.)

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