The Origins of the Alpine Discipline
A special opportunity arose during the World Ski Championships in St. Moritz. On the occasion of the 87th anniversary of the FIS International Ski Federation agreeing on the Alpine Discipline with its Downhill and Slalom events during the XI. Skicongress, on February 26th 1930 in Oslo (NOR) to be precise. The ensuing first official rulebook was since long thought to have been lost. Chairman of the FIS subcommittee Alpine Rules, Michael Huber from Kitzbühel, launched an international quest to hunt down the aforementioned book - a search that was to take over six years. The editor of the yearbook from the Swiss Academic Skiclub SAS, Ivan Wagner, also joined this treasure hunt. It is thanks to his perseverance that his pre-predecessor Raoul Imseng recently found a copy of the first INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION RULES FOR SLALOM AND DOWNHILL RACES from 1930 in a supplement of an old edition of the “Schneehase”. The German original wording has already been translated into English. All available rulebooks of the Alpine Discipline from 1930 until 2016 are digitally archived on the International Ski Federation FIS homepage and available to the public. In fitting manner, the official handover of a copy of this first rulebook took place at Kulm Country Club in Swiss St. Moritz one day before the traditional Alpine Combined Championship Event. FIS president Gian-Franco Kasper thanked in the presence of the chairman of the St. Moritz World Ski Championships Hugo Wetzel to everyone involved in the initiative. SAS Ivan Wagner „I am delighted that the Swiss Academic Skiclub (SAS), one of the pioneers of Alpine Skiing, was able to provide significant assistance in finding the first FIS Alpine Competition Rules. But give honor to whom honor is due, to my friend and pre-predecessor as editor of the SAS yearbook “Der Schneehase”, Raoul Imseng. He reminded especially on Walter Amstutz from Switzerland, who was very active in St. Moritz and gave special support to introduce the Alpine Racing Discipline those days”. K.S.C. Michael Huber „I am so grateful for all the help and support I received in the search, digitalization and realization of this project. In particular, I have to thank the Swiss Academic Skiclub, the International Ski History Association, US Ski Museum of New England, translator Martin John Leach, the Kitzbühel Ski Club Office and FIS headquarters in Oberhofen.“. FIS Gian Franco Kasper „A big thank you in the name of the International Ski Federation to all who initiated this very valuable contribution to preserve the origin and history of Alpine Skiracing“ [caption id="attachment_9710" align="alignnone" width="637"]
Peter Obernauer (KSC-Vizepräsident), Hannes Huter (KSC-Vizepräsident), Viktoria Veider (KSC, Kitzbühel), Michael Huber (KSC Präsident, OK-Vorsitzender Hahnenkamm-Rennen, Vorsitzender FIS Sub-Komitee Alpine Rules), Sarah Lewis (FIS-Generalsekretärin), Ivan Wagner (Schweizerischer Akademischer Skiclub, Schriftführer), Thomas Pool (Schweizerischer Akademischer Skiclub, Techn. Kommision), Alexandra Strobel (Schweizerischer Akademischer Skiclub, Kommunikation-Kommision), Pal Troye (Schweizerischer Akademischer Skiclub, Präsident SAS Norge).[/caption] [caption id="attachment_9709" align="alignnone" width="634"]
Michael Huber (KSC-Präsident), Hugo Wetzel (Vorsitzender OK-Ski WM St. Moritz), Gian Franco Kasper (FIS-Präsident), Ivan Wagner (Schweizerischer Akademischer Skiclub)[/caption]