HKR Kitzbühel

Generel Facts

  • K.S.C. Hahnenkamm-Rennen Organisations GmbH

    K.S.C. Hahnenkamm-Rennen Organisations GmbH since 2024 Kitzbühel Ski…

    K.S.C. Hahnenkamm-Rennen Organisations GmbH since 2024

    Kitzbühel Ski Club (K.S.C.) since 1902 
    Organiser of the Hahnenkamm Races from the beginning until 2024 

    • over 10,000 members
    • The main objective of the Kitzbühel Ski Club (K.S.C.) is to promote junior sport in the Alpine skiing, ski jumping, cross-country skiing, biathlon, Nordic combined, freestyle, freeride, ski mountaineering, ski cross and snowboarding sections (approx. 200children and pupils in the age groups 7 - 18 years) are supervised by approx. 20 coaches
    • 59 Olympic and World Championship medals in alpine and Nordic 
    • Organisation of 15 to 20 competitions per winter season in all divisions
    • Publication of a club magazine twice a year

    General facts 2025

    General FactsGeneral FactsGeneral Facts
  • Sports

    competition in classical alpine disciplines as downhill, slalom and…
    • competition in classical alpine disciplines as downhill, slalom and combination as far as additional competitions like Super-G since 1931
    • yearly realization of the race as a part of the FIS World Cup series since 1967
    • operated on two of the most spectacular courses called Streif (downhill) and Ganslern (slalom). 
    Heute gehört das HKR zum Höhepunkt einer Weltcup-Saison.Mit diesem Brief wurde das HKR geborenHans Mariacher, der erste HKR-Slalomsieger
  • Economy

    The planned event budget amounts to approx. 12 million euros. 20 %…
    • The planned event budget amounts to approx. 12 million euros.
    • 20 % expenditure for the piste
    • 30 % for the stadium
    • ​​​​​​​15 % for offices
    • 35 % for miscellaneous
    • The turnover of the greater Kitzbühel area during a Hahnenkamm weekend is calculated at € 47 million; not including the rest of Austria!
    • Equivalently, the HKR creates over 600 full-time jobs in the Kitzbühel region alone.
    • The HKR revenue is made up as follows:
      35 - 40 % TV
      35 - 40 % sponsors
      20 - 25 % Spectators
      ​​​​​​​1 - 5 % Miscellaneous income

    On the race days, more than 1,500 people around the Hahnenkamm are directly and indirectly involved in the event. The organising committee consists of around 350 people, responsible for the following areas: piste, stadium, infrastructure, office, miscellaneous.

    Die Hahnenkamm-Rennen sind ein wichtiger Wirtschaftsfaktor.Zusätzlich zum Starthaus wird alljährlich eine Energy-Station für die Athleten gebaut.General Facts
  • Media

    TV broadcast of the Hahnenkamm races since 1959. 700 media accreditations…
    • TV broadcast of the Hahnenkamm races since 1959.
    • 700 media accreditations out of 20 nations each year.
    • 20 TV stations and 15 Radio stations report on location.
    • Worldwide broadcast in EBU countries, the USA, Canada, Japan and via Satellit to the southern hemisphere.
    • Media coverage:
    • a) only ORF Austria, downhill on Saturday, approximately 1,3 - 1,6 mio. spectators in average;
      b) the television ratings in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France and Italy within January 2008: 262 mio. spectators and 55.5 hours broadcast
    • The print analysis in the German speaking countries shows 6.000 stories about the Hahnenkamm race in January.
    Bereits in den 1930er Jahren kamen Journalisten zum Hahnenkamm-Rennen.Der ORF ist Hostbroadcaster ORF ist mit rund 40 Kameras beim HKR.Medienvertreter aus rund 30 Nationen sind beim HKR akkreditiert.
  • Did you know that…

    … the abbreviation HKR stands for Hahnenkamm Race. …the steepest…
    • … the abbreviation HKR stands for Hahnenkamm Race.
    • …the steepest section is on the top of the “Mausefalle”- 85%.
    • … maximum speeds of more than 140 km/h are reached in the final part of the course called “Zielschusskompression”.
    General Facts
  • Offical Social Media & Homepage

    Hahnenkamm-Rennen Kitzbüheler Ski Club (K.S.C) Facebook:…