HKR 2019

Hannes Trinkl delighted with the Streif and Ganslern


Races at the Hahnenkamm assured

FIS inspections of the racecourses took place today, Friday, January 11th. FIS Race Director, Hannes Trinkl, skied down the racecourses together with Organizing Committee Chairman, Michael Huber, Chief of Race, Mittermayer-Weinhandl, Herbert Hauser (Streif Piste Chief), Stefan Lindner (Slalom Piste Chief) and Thomas Voithofer (Racecourse Safety).

Hannes Trinkl: “Snow checks are of course positive, there is well enough snow from the start to the finish line and FIS is more than happy to be here at the Hahnenkamm. We discussed the Europacup today, race line markings in particular, which will be applied several days in advance. There is plenty of snow this year, including along the edges of the racecourse. Much work still remains to bind the snow together and create a compact surface. Conditions are wonderfully wintry!”