HKR 2019

Superb Infrastructure at the HKR


Planned right down to the last minute

In order to provide the perfect stage for the HKR, 36 companies with around 790 employees work for around three weeks to set up and dismantle 81 temporary superstructures in total on the event grounds and alongside the racetracks. 183 super-trucks with semi-trailers and trailers are needed to supply all the material for the grandstands, trainer towers and the like.

The racers’ entire run, right down to the final down swing, can be witnessed and followed from the finish area. The grandstands are built in almost no time at all. Thanks to well-designed infotainment, with video walls and scoreboards, fans are always kept up to date. Moreover, there is no other racetrack where the athlete can be watched live for around 35 seconds. Almost the entire course can be viewed on the slalom slope.  "The spectators are so close at the Ganslern, you can almost feel them," said a former winner. 

Further grandstands and trainer towers with information monitors are located at the “Mausefalle”, “Steilhang”,” Lärchenschuss” and “Hausberg” sections of the racecourse. The same applies to the Ganslern Slope. 30 TV towers and 28 platforms were installed alone for TV cameras along the racetracks. The operations centre, various offices as well as the TV compound and collection offices are located in 61 office containers, specially set up for this purpose. There are also around 250 WCs with sewer connections and running water. 

Deliveries are planned precisely and right down to the last minute. Under the watchful eye of Mandi Goller, Head of Infrastructure, every delivery and collection is meticulously scheduled. "The companies must adhere to the rules, so we do not cause traffic jams. Snow chains are mandatory." 

Especially in the current weather conditions, the 42 snow blowers are constantly in use and therefore indispensable. KSC has two slope machines, seven quads and seven skiidoos available to transport diverse deliveries, thereby ensuring that everything keeps moving as quickly as possible. In addition, there are around seven Kässbohrer Pistenbullys, which are operated by the Bergbahn AG machine operators. "Before a driver is allowed on the Streif, he must complete at least 3000 machine hours," says Hanspeter Schwaiger, operations manager of the Cable Car Co.